“Bank of America Merrill Lynch” is themarketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives, and other commercial banking activities are
performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed
globallyby investmentbankingaffiliatesofBankofAmericaCorporation (“InvestmentBankingAffiliates”), including, intheUnitedStates,MerrillLynch,Pierce,Fenner&Smith IncorporatedandMerrillLynch
Professional Clearing Corp., both of which are registered broker-dealers and Members of SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated
and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates:
Are Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • Are Not Bank Guaranteed. ©2016 Bank of America Corporation. AR9NFKSD
Le ayudamos a ver los mercados globales como algo no tan ajeno
sino más familiar. Ese es el poder de un vecino local, al conectarle
con más de 200 países, múltiples zonas horarias y 140 divisas en
todo el mundo.